True Believer

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

This is what I saw when I went to brush my teeth after eating my toast this morning. (not this actual cockroach, but one just like it) I really and truely started to hyperventilate and almost screamed. This was the first time in my life I have ever seen anything so vile. It was disgusting. I really miss Oregon on a whole new level now because it is too cold there to support such a horrible insect.

I closed the door and went upstairs to tell Billy the good news. I told him there was a huge roach sitting on the toothpaste, exploring his toothbrush with it's feelers (I couldn't bring myself to brush my teeth). I neglected to ask him to do anything about it because I naturally assumed he would go down there when he got up and look for it. He didn't. Now I get to go home early to clean up our messy kitchen (because they love the crumbs and dirty dishes) and I get to buy spray and a roach motel to try to kill and/or catch the nasty creature on my own and to see if there are others. This particular kind of roach can lay 14 eggs at a time! Yay!

You know how when you see something gross like that and you start thinking about it you then start to feel like the bugs are crawling all over you? I am feeling that sensation right now, (only I think I could proabably have some sort of break down if I pictured it being a roach). I have decided that this is not something that I want to deal with while knowing that my 2 year old is upstairs sleeping and that I am going to be having an even more helpless baby in a few short months. Just another one of those perks of living in sunny southern California (where the weather is still int he 80's.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thanks a lot Target

So here I am wandering through Target with my trusty list of things we needed for the new condo, things like TP and a few hand towels and a dish drainer, etc. I didn't have a copy of the house keys yet, so I thought I would take my time and peruse the store before taking off to wait for Billy to let me into the house. Big Mistake. I ended up getting a few things that were not on the list and went over my budget for the trip by about 60 bucks! One of the culprits was a nice new book that was on sale that I had no idea was coming out. I was on my way to the check out stands and of course I walked right by a display of the new Nicholas Sparks book The Choice. If you were not aware I love his books and I buy them all in hardback when they come out, and they were on sale. So, I picked one up without much hesitation. Then, by the way, I got home and had to sit in my car (I think the temp was in the 80's) and waited for Billy for a half an hour because he got stuck in traffic on his way home.

I was already reading a different book (The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers) and so I couldn't get started on my new pick up until yesterday. I started it at work and then I finished it at work. I know what you are thinking and yes, I do have a kick back job where I can read all day. I really liked the book. It was slightly different than his other books and I liked that. I am going to start loaning it out right away (sorry Aimee Jo, I would love to loan it to you, but I know things are a little crazy for you).

Lesson learned: Don't go to Target if you have a lot of time to "peruse", especially if you don't want to end up spending a bit of extra money.

Monday, October 22, 2007

New zip code!

YES! We have finally moved out. After weeks of waiting and the date being pushed back for remodelling and cleaning we are in our own place. It is a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom condo in a nice neighborhood. It is closer to the church, winco and target and very close to costco. It has a pantry and a garage and a patio big enough for Jacob to play in and it is secure so he can go in and out at his leisure. It has decent storage and when we are all finished unpacking I will be able to tell you if all of our stuff fits in it.

We spent our first night in the condo on Saturday and Jacob kind of freaked out. He was scared and had to come into our room and sleep on his little fold out couch for the night. Last night we made sure his room was all squared away so that it would not feel so creepy to him (with things leaning up against the wall and whatnot). We put him to bed and after a little crying and a little manipulation (Mommy I have to go putty, or I need my water, or the monsters are going to get me) He finally went to sleep. He did wake up much earlier than usual and we let him come in and lay on his couch bed again this morning, but you never know, maybe tomorrow he will be able to sleep in his own room all night and get up at a reasonable hour like normal! of course last night I kept thinking that someone was going to come into the house somehow and kill us all in our sleep and I kept my eye on the bedroom door for a while, but I suspect that will get easier once all the boxes are put away and we are more used to the new digs.

One thing I realized while we were moving in was how much baby boy stuff we really have! Now I am more cerain than ever, I want a boy! Just for the convenience of not having to worry about the volume of stuff we have and what I am going to do with it if we do have a girl, because of course then we will have just as much, if not more, girl crap to deal with for our third baby (if there will be one). I, of course, will be very happy and love this baby no matter what gender he/she is, but as far as convenience goes, come on boys!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Really!? Are you kidding me!?!?

OK, so last week was probably the worst I have had since being pregnant. First off it was like attack of the killer stink bombs! I really had the worst gas. I know all of you women out there who have been pregnant can sympathize with the uncontrollable, inaudible, silent but deadly gas attack. I ran myself out of a room it got so bad. Then the next thing I knew I had gotten this heinous stomach flu virus that has been going around (I have really been feeling better, not having much nausea due to the bun in the oven situation, so I am sure it is somewhat unrelated to the baby). I tossed my cookies on the way to work and then had a very unpleasant day running for my life to the bathroom. I have not tossed anything else (including cookies) since that day, but have still been plagued by the running to the bathroom thing that is too graphic, even for me to write about. That is not even the worst part, you know about how you are really happy to eat anything and everything when you are pregnant? Everything that passes those lips just tastes so good and you want another helping? Well, I haven't been able to enjoy a good meal in what seems like forever! My feelings have really been hurt by my stupid body. I sure hope that this little bug I have will go away soon. I finally found out that my last day of full time work will be the 31st and I have big plans for all that time I will have available for cooking nice, delicious, hearty meals that I haven't had time for lately.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The other day my friend Sarah came for a visit and to say hello to Jacob and Billy. She is about 6 weeks more pregnant than I am and is showing already. I was wondering what Jacob thought about it so we were asking him if he thought Sarah and I are going to have girls or boys. He was pretty shy about labeling Sarah's baby, but was all opinion when it came to me. He said that he thought we were going to have a little girl and that her name could be "Screwdriver"! I asked him why he picked that name and he said "so that he could fix da TV." That makes total sense to me.