True Believer

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

This was the scene at the McKenzie household last Saturday night. Poor Jacob was sick with a cold and was wanting to be close to his mommy. Any of you with more than one child knows that if one is sick everyone else will get it as well, so my little baby girl got it as well. It is a nasty cold with chest congestion coughing and sneezing. After a few days I could no longer avoid getting it myself.

Yesterday after a few nights of bad congestion in Jayda and little sleep for us Billy wanted to call the advice nurse to see what we could do. After answering a few questions she advised that we take the babe to the emergency room to be checked out. We arrived there at 9pm and after a mere 4 hours we were seen by the doctor who said it was probably just a cold but it could be meningitis and if she has a fever they would have to do a spinal tap and blood draw. Her temperature would be taken a few times to make sure. After another 2 hrs her temperature returned to normal without spiking too high and we were sent home at the wee hour of 3am. Thankfully Jacob had been picked up to stay at his Nana's house. We were alone to endure the 6 hour visit. It would not have been too bad if I wasn't sick myself. That is just one of the things a mother has to put aside to take care of her babies, but if you couldn't tell from the picture I wouldn't change it for anything! If I could spend every Saturday night with my kids content with me like that I would be happy (as long as I could have Friday night to relax)! Here's to hoping that we never have to go the the emergency room ever again.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This morning was a big morning at our house! I laid Jayda on her tummy for a little tummy time while I had some cereal. What should I look over to see? Little miss rolled over. She is so funny, she was fussing not wanting to be on her tummy any longer and she sure did something about it. Then for the rest of the day she proceeded to fuss and refuse to let me put her down. What a great day for Billy to work late! My plan for the rest of the evening is to relax as much as possible and go to bed early. I hope I will realize my high-flying goals!