True Believer

Friday, July 20, 2007

Too Young?

Every night we help Jacob to say his prayers, the oh so famous "now I lay me down to sleep". He used to say it very well and at the end pray a blessing over his friends and family by name. We, of course bring him to church whenever there is a children's program available and they have started learning memory verses. "Worship the Lord with your whole heart". Now when he prays his prayers he gets confused and always ends up saying "now I lay me down to sleep I ask the Lord, with my whole heart". Then he laughs because I think he knows that is wrong, but he can't seem to say the prayer without help! I think his little brain has been in overload lately, either that, or he is extra smart and is messing with me every night. Either one is a viable explanation.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust

Yay for paying off credit cards. We are one giant step closer to being debt free! I am very excited to be paying these things off. We should be able to pay everything off before next spring (not including student loans, I wish!). I will keep ya'll posted on our progress.

Thanks, Financial Peace University. Anyone else from our class still going strong?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Working Stiff

I am now covering the maternity leave of the church secretary where Billy works. I started yesturday and it is pretty kick back. I strted a book at the office yesturday afternoon and i finished it already (around 1 pm the next day). I am really going to be able to get caught up on my reading while earning a paycheck to answer the phone and door. So far my only other responsibiliy (besides making coffee) is to put together the program for church every week. That little project isn't really that time consuming and I have to wait on the ministers to give me the information to include in it. We are really going to be able to line our savings account for tax season next year! The best part is I come in about 8am and leave at 4, so I am not here all day long. It is going to be a good few months that are peppered lightly with lovely trips to the land in my heart; the Pacific NW. See you soon!