26? old?
Do you remember the moment when you realized that you are not as young as you think you are? For some people never reach this realization. You might be able to spot them wearing clothes that are much too hip for them, or using language they think is still cool when in fact it hasn't been unleashed since disco.
I have come to this ugly conclusion recently. I was on a retreat with our interns a few weeks ago. I felt comfortable, like you do when you are amongst your peers who have a mutual opinion about life in general. My first incling that something was amis was when they were being sort of polite to me, the way I used to be polite to my "elders". Then the moment of truth, I was involved in a task with the group and one of them (who shall remain nameless) sort of stepped around me to be closer to the others who were on the other side, totally giving me the cold shoulder and leaving me out to dry by myself at the end of the line! I realized I was no longer considered "in the group", but I had become an outsider!
It is a shocking, yet important realization in my opinion. I am no longer a carefree young person. I am a real adult with real responsibilities. You will hopefully never see me wearing too-hip clothes for my age or using dated slang to fit in with people who consider me an outsider. I will stop caring what I wear in public (maybe mumus will fill my closet). Sweat pants and t-shirts are the end of the line for a geezer like me! J/K! There are lots of great things about being in charge of myself (and my family). For example, we are going to Uganda this fall. I am really excited about it as we are in the full swing of planning, but don't you worry, I will take care not to break a hip!!