True Believer

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is it my turn?

Almost every day Jacob has taken to asking me if it is his trun to go to Heaven. It started a few months ago and I can't remember why. He is extremely excited to go to Heaven and be with "God and Jesus". He has named all the people that he knows that we have told him are in Heaven and is glad he will see them there. He also asked me if Heaven is red and I asked if he wanted it to be red and he said yes. I can tell that he has really put some good, three-year-old thought into it. This is such a good example of how I need to be like a child, not afraid of the unknown, but looking foreward to what has been promised as a wonderous place. I am glad I have this great reminder of where I need to lay up my treasures. It is also a reminder of who my children really belong to, they are wonderful loaners that I was blessed with, but they will be called back home just like every other child of God.

I tell him that it is not his turn yet and that he won't need me to tell him when Jesus calls his name. You may be wondering why he really wants to go to Heaven; Daddy told him that he wouldn't have to take naps there!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Working woman

Billy and I decided that it was time for me to start contributing to our debt snowball to get out of debt sooner (and into homeownership faster). So, it was my first week to work since Jayda was born. Although, some might not think of my new job as "work". I have started taking care of a little girl named Mia. She is about 18 months old and is very cute. I am only keeping her for a few hours two days a week and the time has been flying by. She is not very verbal yet, so that poses a few problems. There has only been one meltdown on her part and it didn't last long. She might be in a honeymoon phase, so I will not get my hopes up too much. I start 3 classes on the 25th and will not be able to sleep as much as I do right now (thats laughable). I just hope I can get all my homework done! 3 cheers to all the mothers who do everything they can for their families! Hip hip hooray; hip hip hooray; hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Jacob-ism of the day

Mommy: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Jacob: A soldier.

Mommy: Why?

Jacob: I want to fight.

Mommy: Who do you want to fight?

Jacob: Tim.

Mommy: Tim who?

Jacob: Tim and Kristy. (Sibley)

Mommy: Why do you want to fight Tim?

Jacob: So I could go to his house and fight him!

No offense Tim, he just wants to play with you