Ode to Motherhood
So...after I posted that wonderful blog about my darling boy he went and did a horrible thing. What kind of horrible thing can a 3 yr old do, you may be asking yourself. Well, During his nap time today Billy came home from work feeling a little sick and walked up to our door and found Jacob hanging his head out of the broken screen just hanging out there. He came in the house and after a little while we decided to let Jake get up since he was obviously not going to sleep. I went up to have him clean up his mess and make sure there was nothing else he was doing that was naughty (as if haning out a second story window is no big deal)and I found a little surprise on the floor. No, not that kind of surprise, I would have preferred that believe me. I found my wedding ring on the floor in front of the bathroom totally demolished. I have not been wearing it lately due to swelling in my fingers and leave it in the bathroom on top of the medicine cabinet. I knew he could get to it, but he knows he is not supposed to touch it. He put that sucker in his mouth and bit it flat as a pancake. He bent the side of it and four diamonds fell out (or were swallowed, but I am not going to go digging to find the answer to that one). I am reasonably sure that it is beyond repair and we couldn't afford to get it fixed even if it could be. He said Mommy go buy a new one. To which I replied, they are very expensive, would you like to go to college? He said no, I could have all the money. I said you are going to college, I am just not sure if you will get any money from mommy to pay for it! He ran away playing and came back a little while later and said mommy, I am sorry for breaking your ring. I said I am very mad that you broke it, but I love you very much. I just keep telling myself it is just a possession, it is just a possession (yeah, an expensive one that I might not be able to replace to the same caliber) it is just a possession. You can't take it with you, right?
At 7:40 PM ,
Amanda Rae said...
oh my gosh. what a little stinker. i would never think at 3 that he would put something like that in his mouth. i am sorry brenda. i don't know what i would do. but i am proud of you for keeping your cool. i don't know if i would have been that calm!!! how are you feeling?
At 8:18 PM ,
Kristi said...
AAhhhhh!!! Oh, that's terrible, Brenda! You are right, it is just a possession, but it's kind of a special one - not like he just busted the toaster or something.
At 12:27 PM ,
mamajoy said...
Ohhh! You're ring. I am so sorry I know what it is like to not be able to wear your ring cause your fingers swell. I have not been able to wear my ring for about 23 year yup since Rachel. But finally got it sized. Oh, Jacob and you must of had a hard day. Mama Joy
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