True Believer

Friday, January 04, 2008

scaterbrained messages

The sleeping thing is still a thing, but I have been trying new solutions. I have been rocking Jake to sleep. I have decided I would rather deal with the rocking thing than the no sleep thing, plus we get some quality cuddle time in the afternoons. We will see how long this train chug along.

On another Jacob note, it really amazes me how quickly a room can be completely demolished and then take soooo long to clean up! I literally have to tell him each toy to pick up and where to put it. Boy, that gets old after like the third toy and then I look around and there are like fifty more to go. I wish I had a toy room where I could just close the door to the mess and forget about it, but as it is the only play area there is is the living room. I have banished toys from the bedroom so that he won't get used to playing in there since he will be sharing with his sibling.

The last thing on my super weird, hodge-podge blog for today; I have gotten a reminder about our 10 year high school reunion! I am so old. I can't believe it has been 10 years since I lived at home and went to school on the same schedule every day! This time reminds me that I never want to be that old person who wears clothes that are too young for them and says slang embarrassing their children. It is a fine line because I also don't want to be all frumpy and unkempt. We will see how I evolve in the years to come.


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