So, I am sure that you all are reading every single blog I ever post and all, but remember my last blog (if not refer below). I have that not so smallish to-do list to work on with small windows of opportunity to get all of it done... Well, I fell down the stairs yesterday! It was not a pleasant experience. Thank goodness Billy had taken Jacob shopping and to work with him. I was just walking on down the stairs minding my own business after cleaning the upstairs and my slipper slipped (big surprise) and the left side of my body fell down about 5 steps while the right side of my body stayed on that oh so high fifth step. I rested for a while and called my mom. I was blessed to have landed into a wall and had the presence of mind to brace myself with my left arm and leg so I would not hit with my belly. The baby is still doing great, thankfully. However, since I braced with my left arm and leg I woke up this morning and my wrist, knee and ankle are throbbing and hurt when I move them. My right ankle and knee and shoulder all hurt from being twisted and over-extended. My gluteus mazimus feels like I ran a marathon yesterday and my neck and back are both a little tender! Wow, I am really glad my parents are coming now, if they weren't I would be so far down in the dumps! This will be a Christmas for the record books. I just hope that I can get everything done, my type A personality won't let me rest until everything is done. I have a Doctors appointment the day after Christmas I should be fine, but I will mention it just to be on the safe side. We'll see what happens. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!
At 10:07 PM ,
Kristi said...
Oh, Brenda! Bless your little heart...and body. Hope you are feeling all recovered soon!
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