True Believer

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's True

OK People, Ok, It's true, there is a new Narnia movie coming out. Prince Caspian. I plan to re-read the book and then go thouroughly enjoy this movie. The preview looked awesome to me. We saw it when we went to see I Am Legend. That was a pretty cool movie, but it gave me nightmares (which I am susceptible to anyway). This week I also saw August Rush, that movie was amazing. I totally loved it, love love loved it. It is one of my new favs. The soundtrack is awesome, too. I totally recommend that one to any music lover man or woman. GO SEE IT!

Don't think that we see a lot of movies. This week was special, but I was talking to some girls here and I think we are going to start a movie club (in leu of a book club). So we can all go see those chick flicks that so many husbands refuse to lower themselves to go see. We will keep the number of movies to a bare minimum, one or two a month (depending on what is coming out of course).

Go Watch August Rush!!!! Especially if you can go on down to the Kennedy School and enjoy a personal pizza at the same time!


  • At 10:17 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

    After I read your first paragraph I was going to say that you apparently missed the memo that states that parents pretty much miss all new movies for a decade or so, but I see this was a fluke week. A movie club - what a great idea!!


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