True Believer

Thursday, December 20, 2007


For all you shopping procrastinators I just wanted to give a note saying that I am officially finished with my Christmas shopping. I had to do a few final things at the mall (that weren't even really for Christmas, but still had a timeline). And now I can say that I don't have to go to anymore stores until January including the gocery store.

Now the only things on my to-do list now are:

cleaning the house for the arrival of my parents
Birthday party tonight
Christmas party tomorrow night
finishing the stocking I am making as a present for someone
baking christmas cookies for Santa
Baking 2 apple pies
Making mashed potatos for the family Christmas gathering

Who ever said that the Holidays were a nice relaxing time for families? Maybe if you are the husband and you let your wife do most of the work (not that I would really want to eat cookies that Billy makes). But the shopping and wrapping of gifts would go a lot faster with four hands instead of two. I can't wait until my parents get here and they can get that whiney little Jacob out from under my feet for a few days! It will be relaxing not having to worry about much. Can you tell that I am a little excited??


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